What Do Bunnies Like to Sleep On? 7 Factors You Should Know

What Do Bunnies Like to Sleep On? 7 Factors You Should Know

Ever wondered to yourself, "What do bunnies like to sleep on?" Here's the truth!

As a bunny parent, I've discovered the secrets to proper bedding (HINT: non-slip surfaces) and found studies that back up all the years of experience in bunny care... [1]

This guide will reveal all the preferred choices that ensure your bunny's safe and sound sleep!

Keep reading to learn what bunnies like to sleep on & never worry again!

Key Takeaways

  • Rabbits have various bedding preferences, including Aspen shreds, pellets, and hay.
  • Safety should always be paramount; ensure the bedding material isn't harmful if ingested.
  • Observe your rabbit's reactions to bedding to determine their personal preference.

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What Do Bunnies Like To Sleep On? 7 Factors To Study

For those wondering "what do you put at the bottom of a rabbit cage?", a comfortable, absorbent, non-toxic bedding provides the answer and ensures a safe environment, especially since rabbits often nibble.

Also, as veterinary hospitals recommend, rabbits should be housed in a cage with a non-slip surface on the bottom, such as a towel or thick bedding of fresh straw or hay. 

Here's what you need to know!

What General Properties Do They like?

#1: Non-Toxic Materials

Bunnies are curious and often nibble on their surroundings, including their bedding. Thus, it's essential to ensure that any chosen material is non-toxic to prevent any adverse health impacts.

#2: Absorbent Bedding

Proper bedding should effectively absorb moisture. A dry environment keeps rabbits comfortable and lessens the risk of skin ailments.

#3: Odor-free Bedding

While rabbits can be a tad aromatic, quality bedding can significantly reduce and manage these odors, ensuring a fresher environment.

What Kinds of Bedding Do They Like?

#1: Shredded Paper

A sustainable choice, shredded paper is soft, absorbent, and often readily available, making it suitable for bedding.

#2: Aspen Shreds

Recognized for its non-toxic nature, aspen efficiently manages odors, making it a top choice for many rabbit caregivers.

#3 Specialist Litter or Pellets

Tailored for pets, they might come with a slightly higher price tag but provide commendable absorbency and odor-controlling properties.

#4 Towels

In professional settings like veterinary hospitals, towels often provide a non-slip surface, ensuring the rabbit's safety.

Consistent maintenance, including regular bedding changes, is vital. A clean habitat ensures reduced health risks and a happier rabbit.

As we've unraveled the intricacies of rabbit bedding, it's evident that our furry pals deserve only the best.

In the subsequent sections, we will further explore the art of optimal rabbit care. Ready to dive deeper into creating a bunny haven? Let's hop right in!

What Beddings to Avoid? 3 Types To Caution

Pet owners, particularly those with pet rabbits, should be well-informed about the kind of bedding that's suitable for their furry friends. This is a crucial part of understanding the best rabbit supplies necessary for their care.

While it might be tempting to opt for any available bedding material, not all are safe or comfortable for rabbits. It's imperative to remember that their natural instincts and biological traits significantly affect their well-being.

#1 Corn Cob Bedding

Despite its absorbent properties, corn cob bedding can be harmful if consumed by rabbits. Ingestion can lead to severe gastrointestinal blockages.

It's not the ideal choice for indoor rabbits or wild rabbits that may have access to such bedding.

#2 Clay-based Cat Litters

While clay-based cat litter might seem feasible due to its widespread availability, they aren't digestible.

If a rabbit ends up consuming any, it can result in both respiratory and digestive complications.

Cat litter, in general, is not the recommended bedding material for pet bunnies.

cat litter

#3 Straw

Straw might be the obvious choice since it provides insulation, especially for wild rabbits that need warmth.

However, it lacks absorbency, and its coarse nature can be harsh on a rabbit's delicate feet, potentially leading to sores.

Also, it's crucial to avoid other materials like cedar, redwood, and specific pines due to their aromatic nature, which can irritate a rabbit's airways.

Being the less hygienic options with minimal absorbent properties, straw and certain hays can cause ingestion problems so do watch out.

While wood shavings might be seen as an alternative, they, too, are less absorbent.

But what bedding is best for rabbits? Skip to the next section and find out!

What Bedding Is Best For Rabbits?

With their endearing personalities, rabbits have become cherished companions for many families.

Recognized for being friendly, quiet, and easily trainable, they are an excellent choice, especially for those introducing young children to pet ownership.

While these furry friends can be self-reliant during work hours, they still need an environment that ensures their safety and well-being.

The Ideal Rabbit Enclosure

rabbits inside an open enclosure

Every rabbit deserves a safe and comfortable home. An optimal enclosure for a rabbit includes a hutch, ideally divided into two connected compartments:

  • Open Compartment: Featuring wire mesh, this section grants your rabbit access to fresh air and natural light.
  • Closed Compartment: This enclosed area offers protection against the elements and ensures a secure resting place.

It's paramount to cover the floor of the hutch with newspaper.

This should then be topped with a comfortable layer of straw, grass, hay, or shredded paper. Such measures offer warmth and prevent ailments like pressure sores on their feet.

Given the extreme heat conditions in Australia, always ensure your hutch is positioned in a cool, shaded area [2].

Inspecting their rear end daily for cleanliness is critical to prevent the risk of fly strikes.

If you're a visual learner, check out this video and discover more tips for housing rabbits!

And while bedding is crucial for their rest, there's so much more to explore about their overall living conditions. Skip to the next section...

Do Indoor Rabbits Need Bedding?

Absolutely, indoor rabbits do need bedding! But why?

Reason #1: Small Living Spaces

Unlike in the vast expanse of the wild, indoor rabbits typically live in confined spaces. Without proper bedding, these spaces can become uncomfortable and even harmful to their delicate feet. Bedding provides cushioning and protection.

Reason #2: Natural Preferences

Rabbits inherently prefer not to sleep on hard, cold surfaces. Instead, they gravitate towards softer, warmer spots.

While you might occasionally find your bunny lounging on a cool tile during a hot day, they'll always seek cozier spots when settling down for a long rest.

Reason #3: Safety and Health

Bare floors can be slippery, leading to injuries. Additionally, a lack of soft bedding can result in pressure sores on their feet.

A good bedding also helps absorb urine, preventing prolonged contact that might irritate their skin.

Let's now explore other facets of indoor rabbit care, ensuring that every corner of their habitat is as perfect as their sleeping spot.

Is It OK To Put a Blanket in a Rabbit Cage?

The short answer is yes, it's perfectly fine. In fact, it can be a wonderful addition. But, like all things, there are certain precautions and insights to be aware of:

The optimal spot for a blanket or towel is flat on the cage floor. This arrangement lets your rabbit decide whether to sit on it, snuggle beneath it, or even push it aside. Just like humans, rabbits have their comfort preferences!

Let's remember rabbits are curious pets with a strong sense of agency. So, it's best to allow them to adjust the blanket as they see fit.

They might fold, push, or even bunch it up to create a little nest-like setting. It's essential to recognize this behavior as part of their natural instincts and give them space to express it.

As tempting as it might be to tuck your bunny into a snug wrap, it's a practice best avoided.

Rabbits need the freedom to move, and constricting them could lead to overheating or even suffocation. Plus, they're adept at regulating their comfort, so trust in their instincts!

When placing a blanket inside a rabbit's cage, ensuring the cage's ventilation isn't compromised is crucial. A well-aerated habitat is critical for their health and well-being.


  1. Can I use old newspapers for my rabbit's bedding? No, avoid newspapers, as the ink can be harmful when ingested.
  2. Do indoor and outdoor bunnies have different bedding needs? While the basics remain the same, indoor bunnies might appreciate cozier materials.
  3. How frequently should I change the bedding?

    Ideally, change it once a week, but this can vary based on the material and your rabbit's habits.


Understanding what bunnies like to sleep on is pivotal for their well-being. Prioritize their safety, comfort, and personal preferences.

From my extensive experience and research, it's clear that the right bedding can significantly impact a rabbit's happiness and health.

By following this guide and making informed choices, you'll ensure your fluffy friend has the cozy haven they deserve.


1. Vennen KM, Mitchell MA. RABBITS. Manual of Exotic Pet Practice [Internet]. 2009 [cited 2019 Nov 30];375–405. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781416001195500172

2. Rabbit Care-Dr Heidi’s Mobile Veterinary Services [Internet]. www.localvet.com.au. [cited 2023 Aug 26]. Available from: https://www.localvet.com.au/Dr-Heidis-Mobile-Veterinary-Services/rabbit-care.aspx


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